Global tävling för nya kyllösningar

Presentation av den globala tävlingen för nya luftkonditioneringslösningar med Iain Campbell och Ankit Kalanki från Rocky Mountain Institute. Webinariet hålls på engelska och länk till anmälan och engelsk beskrivning hittar ni nedan. Tid, 15 januari klockan 15:00 – 16:00

We are pleased to announce the start of the SEAD webinar series on energy efficient cooling on 30 January with a presentation on the Global Cooling Prize by Iain Campbell and Ankit Kalanki from Rocky Mountain Institute. The webinar will provide insights into the context and background for the Global Cooling Prize, the market failure in this sector, the circumstances under which a prize can be an effective change model, the prize process and current state, an overview of selected technologies, the testing phase of the prize, the path to future impact and key lessons learned along the way. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

We are very much hoping that you will be able to join. Registrations –